Mount and blade warband guide to fighting
Mount and blade warband guide to fighting

mount and blade warband guide to fighting

When using Siege Towers, your troops are exposed to prolonged enemy fire while the tower moves into position, virtually guaranteeing casualties before the first soldier reaches the walls. Conversely, even with a large garrison, many defenders may be new recruits that are easy to defeat.Ĭertain towns/castles are easier to besiege and capture, while others are deathtraps for invaders ( Grunwalder Castle, for example). A good target for a siege would be a castle that has recently been reclaimed by its original faction, which often have fewer than 100 defenders. If you choose to besiege, you will want someone in your party with a high surgery skill, and you may upset some heroes if you attack a castle with a smaller force than the garrison. The troops in the garrison make the difference in deciding whether to besiege the castle. If you will be facing off against 50 Rhodok Sergeants backed by 100 Rhodok Sharpshooters, you may be in for a difficult or unwinnable fight a less formidable force of 20 Trained Spearmen, 10 Militia, and 20 Crossbowmen might be easily defeated. The garrison complement inside the castle can be seen by approaching closely and holding the cursor over the castle. A castle can be beseiged with a small, experienced force, but preparation and knowledge of the castle's defenses are often required. Most castles are difficult to conquer without a larger army than the garrison. The strategy to use depends on the style of keep you are attacking, but often the defenders have an advantage from being a floor above you. You and 3 other men will lead the attackĪgainst 4-5 defenders. The final battle takes place in the keep. You will have about 5-6 defenders attacking you from all angles and about 4 soldiers backing you up. It is similar to when you get ambushed in a town. You must go into the streets with some of your troops and defeat the defenders there. This battle only occurs in towns and may not happen if few defenders are left after the previous battle. When the rain of arrows on your men have stopped, order your Huscarls to charge. Use the Huscarl's shields for cover while the Sharpshooters pick off enemy archers on the walls. This is where your ladders or siege tower come into play, and the defenders on the walls will constantly attack you and your troops while they charge up the ladders or siege tower and onto the walls.Īn ideal way to win this stage is to bring your best archers, often Rhodok Sharpshooters, and your best melee infantry, often Nord Huscarls, to this stage. This theater is the main stage of a siege and the only battle phase that always occurs. This theater typically happens when the defenders greatly outnumber the attackers it may be omitted if the town or castle has few defenders, or you may have to fight it several times if the garrison is large enough. Often, they will appear close to you and may keep coming if the castle has a large garrison. This is where the defenders inside the castle sally out to meet your assault. In rare cases, these battles may be repeated. *Although levels 13 and 14 claim "0 Hours" to build ladders, building them will take "less than an hour".ĭepending on the number of troops involved, battles during an assault on towns or castles could take place in between one and four theaters. Levels 11-14 are only attainable through the party skill bonuses.


If a hero has a higher Engineer skill than you, it will go by their level, plus a bonus to their skill based on your current level.

mount and blade warband guide to fighting

The following table indicates time required to build siege equipment based on your Engineer skill. Additionally, even waiting for a fortification's food to run out does not necessarily mean they will surrender, and, as this option takes a long time, it is not recommended. If sufficiently outnumbered, defenders may surrender immediately. If you do not want to assault it directly, you will have to wait until the residents surrender, usually from starvation (30 days in a castle and 100 days in a town). The siege equipment constructed is unique to the fortification and takes time based on your engineering skill to build. However, to assault a fortification requires construction of ladders or siege towers. No special equipment is required for laying siege.

Mount and blade warband guide to fighting